
To a large company such as Intesa Sanpaolo Group, the procurement system represents an important and delicate area. The social and environmental responsibility must necessarily be one of the criteria guiding the management of the impacts that the procurement of goods and services generates on the company and the environment. In this perspective, the Bank intends to set up supply systems that minimise such impacts and to keep the full control of the supply chain, by cooperating with consumer associations and environmental and human rights organisations.
The implementation of the said management model follows two lines of action:
the first is mainly focused on its relationships with suppliers, with a strong emphasis on transparency, fairness and integrity on the way it is managed. The equality aspect is not neglected in order to ensure equal opportunities to all the key players.
The guiding principles of this approach derive from the principles set out in the Code of Ethics, which suppliers are required to consult in detail and to adopt when registering - applying in the supplier register of the Bank.
In 2013 a project to centralize the Group procurement was developed, launched with the aim of unifying rules and applying a single model for the Companies of Intesa Sanpaolo Group. In this context the new "Guidelines for Group Procurement“ and the belonging "Procurement Rules" were issued. They integrate, in a transversal and well-structured manner, social and environmental responsibility criteria and require that all the departments involved, take them into due consideration during the procurement process.
In 2013 Intesa Sanpaolo Group attended the following conferences as a speaker:
- "Green Paper & Office Supplies - Pubblico e Privato per un comune obiettivo" (Green Paper & Office Supplies - Public and Private sectors for a common goal), June 13 - Milan
- "360 ° Green Office - L’ambiente di lavoro sostenibile per la persona e per l’azienda” (The sustainable workplace for the individual and for the company". Speech: Green Office - Energy Efficiency for well-being at work and for being sustainable), October 18 - Milan
- A&S Mobility & Travel Day 2013, November 15 - Milan.
By respecting the rules of the Parent Bank, Banca Intesa a.d. Beograd has implemented a new model of operation of procurement centralization by introducing two new application systems SAP R/3 and Supplier Portal – “Portale Fornitori”. In this way, business processes are complied within the Parent Intesa Sanpaolo Group.
Portale Fornitori – Supplier portal
The Suppliers Portal (in the further text: Portal), launched by ISP Group in 2010, provides a global overview of the entire purchasing process. Staring from January 2015, Banca Intesa a.d. Beograd will be able to join this model of operation.
In addition to the centralised Suppliers List, the Portal includes an area dedicated to online purchases, an area for communications with suppliers and another for document archiving purposes. A module for the management of accounting communications is being drawn up and it enables the suppliers to view data relating to orders, invoices and payments.
With the aim of gaining a better understanding of suppliers and their sustainability policies, for both regular and first-time suppliers, during the online registration process, a questionnaire is provided to enable the possibility to ask questions that are also relevant to social and environmental responsibility practices. The applicants’ answers, once the system has become operational, will be allocated as a score which will help to establish a Social Responsibility Rating. The Portal provides an online trading system: those who apply are required to register online, where, if invited to take part in a bid, they can follow all the stages of the process in a transparent manner.
Thanks to the elimination of hard copy correspondence and documents, we are able to reduce our impact on the environment. Intesa Sanpaolo Group guides and directs its suppliers towards sustainable practices, also with the gradual renewal of the product catalogue, which provides for the introduction of green products replacing existing ones.